Fried Milk Spain


1 litre milk

100 gr corn flour

150 gr sugar

1 lemon

  Ground cinnamon

1 stick cinnamon


1 egg

  Vegetable oil


1)Start boiling 850 ml of milk, with a stick of cinnamon and 100 gr of sugar. Move it to dissolve the sugar. Add also some skin of lemon, cut really thin to avoid the white part which is bitter.

2)While the milk heats up, in a bowl mix 100 gr of corn flour with 150 ml of milk.

3)Once the milk is boiling be careful to avoid  flood over the pot, shut down the fire and remove cinnamon stick and lemon skin. Add the milk mixed with corn flour and move with a wooden spoon for some minutes until it's well mixed and without grumes.

4)Turn over a rectangular or square recipient, I've used silicon mold for easy unmold. Let rest for 1 hour and half, and 1 hour in the fridge. On a silicon mold the unmold process will be very easy, cut the solidified milk in cubes.

5)Before frying you will pass them on egg and flour, so beat an egg and pass each cube first on the egg then on flour.

6)Add vegetable oil in a pot, enough to cover the cubes. When inserting a wooden spoon in the oil bubbles appear the oil temperature is right to fry. Add the cubes and remove in a short time (perhaps little less than a minute), put them on a towel paper and add over a mix of sugar and ground cinnamon (like 50 gr of sugar and 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon). Let cold and it is ready to eat.

- time
Prep 10 mins 
Cook 20 min 
Refrig 2 h 00 mins
 Watch how to make this recipe >> link--